17th Annual Tea

Our 17th Annual Tea honoring Jane Austen's birth will be held Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. at the Grove Hotel in Boise, Idaho.

Dr. Cheryl Kinney will be our speaker. Her presentation, "A Dangerous Indulgence: Women's Health in Jane Austen's Time" is sure to be entertaining and informative. Dr. Kinney is a gynecologist in Dallas, Texas and has been named one of "America's Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists" yearly since 2002. She has been a panelist and speaker at several JASNA Annual General Meetings and is co-chair for the 2011 AGM to be held in Fort Worth. Dr. Kinney lectured on regency health issues at the recent Chicago Humanities Festival, and was a speaker at the 2010 Jane Austen Society of the United Kingdom Annual Conference.

The tea is $25.00 per person, and payment in advance is required. Reservations are being accepted by Irene Miller Coen at (208) 577-7686 or imcoen@live.com.